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Heartful Life Coaching
Welcome Page
Welcome…! If you are on this page then you are on the first step of a new kind of journey. One that will take you deep into your inner world to access a power that has the potential to change your outer world. I am very excited to be your partner and guide on this journey as your coach.
This page is the hub for all the items to get us started on the journey. Some of them are already
in an email I sent you. You’ve got them here again to keep all our ducks in a row
and in the same place. This includes…
Information and instructions about the Coaching Contract that I will send you
Heartful Life Coaching Preparation Questionnaire
Contact Details Sheet
Details about the Email Support that is included in the Coaching Programme
Code of Ethics
Information about how to book your appointments with me
Library of Resources
Please would you check that you’ve returned the Coaching Contract and your Preparation Questionnaire before our first session. You will find links to these below, on this page.
I hope that the information on this page will answer any questions you may have at this stage. If you have any further questions please email me on
I look forward to being alongside you as your life potentially changes in ways that
will inspire and delight you. I will see you soon on our first call.
Heartful Life Coaching Contract
I will send you the Heartful Life Coaching Contract through Google Docs, which I ask you to sign and email back to me. It is a rather formal document but is standard practice when setting up a new coaching relationship. Please read it through and make sure you agree to it.
Heartful Life Coaching Preparation Questionnaire
Here are some questions to help you get the most out of the Heartful Life Coaching process. All your responses will be stored confidentially.
Click here to download the document
Then fill in what your heart inspires you to, and email it back to me at
Client Contact Details Sheet
This is a short form to give me brief details about you. Information like address, phone numbers….things like that. The form is optional but it gives me the best ways to reach you if needed and also helps me know a little more about you. (The address I need for sending your free gift). All your details will be stored confidentially.
Click here to download the form
When you have filled it in you can email it back to me at
Email Support Included in the Coaching Programme
In between our coaching calls I offer you support via email. For more information about how that works click here.
Code of Ethics
I am a member of the Association of Coaching and I abide by their Code of Ethics. If you would like to read more please click here.
Book your Follow on Coaching Sessions
Here is the link that will take you to my scheduling page where you can book your follow on sessions with me.
Click here for the link
Library of Resources
One of the benefits of doing the subscription package is that you get access to this library of resources. You have lifetime access to this and it will be added to in the future as I develop new resources. Think of this like a garden full of wonderful things for you to don't need to work through the items in this library, they are they to support you when you need them. Click here for the Heartful Living Resources Page
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