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Heart Wisdom Guidance Sessions
One to One Sessions
to take you where you want to go…
through the wisdom and
power of your heart
A session of inspiring guidance
plus resources for continued support
including email follow up

There is a part of you that KNOWS.
When you feel lost, confused and stuck this part of you is here, ready, always ready to guide you.
It is here…just beneath the surface, underneath the fear, underneath the doubt and distress.
It is clear, loving, compassionate and knows you. It knows exactly what your next steps are…to carry you to the place that will make
your soul sing.
It is pulsating with bright power. The power
of your truth. It is vibrant with wisdom that is perfectly moulded from a deep knowing of exactly what you need right now. It is you.
It is you at your depths. Let it guide you
in each moment.
If you have landed on this page then this wisdom, this bright power is calling you here
to dive into it. It is calling you here to feel it,
hear it and let it bring you home. It is calling
you here because the answers you are
looking for well up from this place inside you.
In a Heart Wisdom Guidance session I help you remember that you have always
had this power. We clear away the dust that has masked it. Then I help you plug directly
into it so that you feel it surge through you, bringing confidence, certainty, strength and the
tingling feeling that you know who you are, what you are doing and how to do it.
These sessions are powerful, purposeful and life changing.

You will learn that your heart is a constant source of this wise guidance that is
always switched on and ready to support you. You will experience how to access
it in a reliable, repeatable way that you can trust and return to.
You will feel your body relax as the tension of doubt and fear fade away.
You can breathe freely again. You can flourish…feel excited about your life
knowing that you are on the right path for you, taking the right steps for you…today.
And you will be surprised at how easy it all is.
When your heart supplies you with guidance it also supplies you with exactly
the qualities, energies, inner resources and strength you need
to put your guidance into action.
Your heart is your wisdom guide and your inner treasure chest of superpowers.
So with each guided step that you take…you are enabled,
lifted, boosted and expanded.
Even in the middle of dark, challenging times you are still able to feel the warm flame of certainty that you are supported, loved, understood and cared for. There is a calmness that comes from seeing you are guided by your own inner light.
There is a peace that comes knowing you are being carried forward.
You can trust this.
In the Heart Wisdom Guidance Session you will receive…
Answers to your questions.
Access to the inner strength and resources which enable you to take action on the guidance you receive.
A downloadable map to follow your heart guidance which we will use in the session and you can print off to use again.
Other resources to print off for repeated use.
The amplified field that emerges from the magnetic power of both our hearts working together to help you move through blocks and access your wisdom.
My years of experience as a heart wisdom guide totally focused on you, supporting you with loving attention and encouragement

Along with your 90 minute one to one session you also get...a recording of the session, one in-depth follow-up email to support you and 10% discount on any future Heart Wisdom Guidance Sessions.

Bring your questions...
Questions such as...
Have them answered by the most reliable source…YOU. The deepest, most loving, wisest part of you.
Only you truly and utterly know yourself at a soul level and when you reach into that well for guidance it will carry you forward in ways that you can rely on.
This session is powerfully different from a reading by someone else. At the end of it you have both the answers you want and the confidence that you can repeat the process of being your own source of wisdom.
Bring your confusion…experience it clearing.
Bring your doubts…feel them transformed into confidence.
Bring you vulnerabilities…experience them buoyed up into your strengths.
So no more restless wandering from one thing to another trying to fix yourself and your life.Take a moment, step into this spacious peace and let your heart take you directly to the source of your wisdom that knows all the answers for you…here…now.
How do I take my business forward?
What can I do to improve my health?
How do I resolve my financial challenges?
Should I leave my job and return to study?
What is the next step for me to take in my career?
How do I improve my relationship with my father?
My child is struggling at school, how do I help her?
How can I make a contribution to positive change on the planet?
I feel overwhelmed by lots of choices at the moment. How do I do the right thing for me?
I’m not happy in my relationship and I don’t know
if I should leave or try and work things out. How
do I decide what to do?
Whatever your questions…your heart knows the answers. It will guide you and show you the steps that you need to take to follow the guidance.
1 x 90 mins session - £95
Cost of Sessions
‘I would recommend coaching with Josie to anyone who is wanting to work on a deeper level,
to give them insight and to work with their heart’s guidance and intuition to understand what is getting
in the way of them moving forwards to fulfil their potential – especially if they have a dream or vision
they want to fulfil. Josie through her skilled and healing presence and through both of our hearts’ guidance led me through a process of deep change and transformation‘.
Lynne Cheetham – Creativity Coach
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