Guided & Thriving
Coaching Programme
The Coaching Programme
that will give you the experience of knowing your path and being certain of your next steps.
Starting 11th April
You will feel the confidence that comes from being guided by the wise and loving part of you that knows what you need to thrive.
Guided & Thriving is an 8-week Coaching Programme of unique learning, deep support and personal transformation. You will experience that you have a source of reliable guidance inside you that will carry you forward in every moment of your life.
Join me to learn how to use it fully and resolve anything that stands
in the way of it lighting up your path and every step you take.
How would your life be if you were certain that you were guided?
If you knew you were always supported with the insight to make the choices that were going to be fruitful, successful and empowering for you....how would you live?
Would you be more adventurous, more self-assured...more peaceful?
Maybe you would be more fearless, more bold, more creative, more joyful?
What would it be like to KNOW that there is something powerful and reliable carrying you forward with moment by moment guidance that meant you could live in a state of calm, secure, flow?
Would it feel like you had solid ground beneath your feet that meant you were safe with every step you took, even if the world around you looked unsafe?
How would it feel to be connected to the source of inspiration, guidance and insight that comes from your soul and speaks to you directly in ways that feel real, tangible and fill you with certainty?
Would you feel free, enabled to be your authentic self...to follow your passion and live your purpose?
In the Guided and Thriving 8 Week Coaching Programme
I will be sharing with you everything you need
to experience this as a real part of your life.
or scroll down for more information
The Guided and Thriving Coaching Programme...
is built on a tried and tested process that has been developed over 27 years of working with people to help them navigate life in the easiest, most empowering, stress-free way.
I will be sharing with you a powerful method that can be relied upon to switch on your inner guidance - so it will constantly supply you with the information you need to live life to the full, with confidence that you are moving with the flow of your soul's wisdom.
The programme includes inspiring learning segments, deeply supportive coaching and a warm community travelling alongside you.

If this sounds like something that would interest you
I invite you
into a small group of wonderful women that I'm bringing together to test run the pilot of the
Guided and Thriving Coaching Programme.
I'll be pouring all my heart centred focus into helping you get the most out of this programme - so I'm offering a huge amount of value for a snip of a price - to help make this an easy yes for you to join in the experience.
And you would be helping me in return if you would give me a review at the end of the programme and fill in a questionnaire that I will then use to refine the programme when I launch it fully in the future.

The part of you that is your beacon of inner guidance is your heart.
And these are the some of ways it helps you...
Your heart is a physical portal to your soul's vast wisdom and makes that available to you in ways that are easy to access and understand
Your heart knows everything about you including all your uneasy vulnerabilities and all your beautiful potential and guides you accordingly with both compassion and knowledge of what is truly possible for you
Your heart cherishes you, loving you unconditionally without any judgement - so its guidance is always based on what will truly enhance your life and support you the most
Your heart tells you the truth about what is happening in your life and guides you to operate from a place of authenticity in ways that make it easier to be true to yourself
Your heart knows what you need to heal and transform any blocks that might be in the way of your progress
Your heart holds within it the right environment for growth and healing so as it guides you forward it will also offer transformation in the most effective ways for you personally
Your heart lives in the present moment, where your true power flows from and it will guide you from there without the fear bases limitations that the mind is prey to
Your heart will supply you with the strength, inner resources and capability to take the steps it guides you towards
In this group coaching programme we will weave together
these and other aspects of your wise and guiding heart
so you experience them illuminating your path
The General Details...
The programme runs over 8 weeks and starts on the afternoon of Sunday 11th April with a group workshop to fully experience the Guided and Thriving process I teach in this programme.
There will be weekly recorded sessions where I will go deeper into the above aspects that make Heart Guidance so powerful and effective. I will give information about how to apply these into your life so that they work for you. These sessions will be available for you to watch whenever suits you.
There will be weekly optional action steps that help you integrate the learning through putting it into practice
There will be six x 90-minute coaching and practice sessions on Thursday evenings where I will support you bring the learning alive so it is something you can depend on.
The programme will conclude with another retreat style group coaching call to integrate everything we have covered.
Each live call will be recorded so you can catch up if you are not able to make a session live.
Each group member will have an individual 60-minute coaching session with me to help you further apply the resources of the programme to your particular circumstances.
There will be a private Facebook group where I will be available to support you through the programme.
All the course material will be available for you to return to on a private page that you will have continued access to after the end of the programme
And...a special bonus gift
the Thrive Online Course free (cost £95)

If you're already hearing the call of your heart and sensing an inner nudge to join this coaching programme I do look forward to helping you experience the magic, joy and confidence that comes that from being guided by the wise and loving part of you that knows what you need to thrive and lights up your path with certainty.