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Gift Sessions
Find out more and book them below
What is a Gift Session?
These sessions are totally free, they are simply a gift from me to you. This session is an opportunity for you to experience what it's like to work with me as your coach - as I partner with the power of your heart to gently and gracefully bring about the changes you are looking for in your life.
The session is totally dedicated to the changes you want to make and the process that you are going through. It is not a Discovery or Clarity call that is geared to discussing working together, and there is no obligation to continue to work together after the session. However if after the session you are interested in that we would set up another call to discuss it. This means your Gift Session remains purely about supporting you.
What to Expect
In the session, I create a deeply safe and supportive container for you to relax, breathe more easily and share with me what you want to focus on. It is a spacious and flowing 90 minutes - for you to experience change at the pace that suits you. My approach is gentle, nurturing and warmly encouraging.
Typically, in the first 30 minutes, we explore the issue you want to focus on, then we go more deeply into transformational work. In the final 30 minutes, we look at how you can integrate the transformation and change that has been initiated, into your daily life.
Who These Sessions Are For...
These sessions are for you if one or more of the following apply...
You are feeling that there is more to life for you but you are not sure what that is
Or you do know what that is but you are fearful of the changes that it would require in you and your life
You want to heal the emotional pain that holds you back from feeling fully alive and living your dreams
You have tried many modalities and therapeutic techniques and have a sense that while they gave you some benefit they only moved the furniture around the room. Now you are ready for deep and fundamental change and want to move towards that in ways that feel supportive and gentle
You want to live more from self-love and less from self-judgment
You are tired of that life is a struggle and want to live from a place of flow, alignment and presence
If any of this describes you I would love to work with you to help you feel more alive, follow your passion and purpose, to heal, to know you are guided and to have the sense that you can face life with calm certainty.
As you might have noticed from the above...these sessions are not a fit for everyone. They are powerful 90-minute sessions, where we both commit to your transformation.
They are lovingly supportive, but they are not a chat and they are not going to help you if you just want to skim the surface of your issues and get a quick fix. They are deep, focused and aligned with the wisdom of your soul. So if this IS a fit for you please dive in and book your Gift Session below.
Why I Do These Sessions
Nowadays the idea of getting something without doing anything in exchange is a little unusual - so if you are wondering if there is a catch, and what will the cost to you be...then I want you to know that there isn't one. These are, as I mentioned simply a gift from my heart to yours.
I offer these Gift Sessions for two reasons...
The first one, the main that this work is my life's passion. I believe in it so much, I live and breathe it so much...that it is a joy to me to share it with as many people as I can.
The second reason is, I've found it's tricky to put across in words - this work with the power of our hearts. It's an experience that words can only point at. So, I want to offer the experience of it to you. Other people who have experienced it have said things like, 'I had no idea how life-changing this would be until I actually had a session with you.' And 'you've helped me discover an amazing power inside myself which I never knew I had'. And even though you are reading these's only when you experience it for yourself that the same aha's can come for you too. So...that's why I offer these gift sessions...they give you more than words and ideas...they give you the experience.
Click here to find a time that suits you
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