Festival of Kindness - Daily Content
This event has come to a close but you can still access all the curated content here.
All the conversation and connection in the festival happened in
The Heart Power Revolution free group.
If you're not already a member of the group you can join here.
Day One - The Power of Kindness
We will be exploring what kindness actually is - with a gentle look at what it isn't. I'll share some of the science of how it boosts your entire being. And inspiring information about its power to change our personal world and the world we all share.
The Curated content
The Quote of the Day
'We can never be kind out of guilt or compulsion.
Our task is to discover that which we can do best of all, and which gives satisfaction, maybe even joy.
That will be our key. Being kind is the simplest way to become who we really are.'
Piero Ferrucci - The Power of Kindness.
Song of the day
A heart-expanding song and message.
Life Vest Inside - Revolution of Love
Videos of the day
Dr David Hamilton giving a really interesting lecture on the science of kindness and how it boosts our wellbeing. (35 mins).
Dr David Hamilton - PhD - The Five Side Effects of Kindness
Orly Wahba - Founder of 'Life Vest Inside' talks about the power of kindness. (10mins).
TED Talk - Kindness - Orly Wahba
Book of the Day
The Power of Kindness by Piero Ferrucci
I've chosen this as our first book, in the book of the day section, for a few reasons. Piero Ferrucci is a leading teacher of Psychosynthesis - the depth psychology that helps us harness everything within us...both the light and the shadow. In this book he gives us a thorough investigation of the part that kindness plays in our lives in a very rich and broad philosophical way. Plus I love his wise and insightful writing...!
Organisation of the Day
Life Vest Inside - is a non-profit organization dedicated to inspiring, empowering and educating people of all backgrounds to lead a life of kindness.
Life Vest Inside
It is up to you if, and how, you use the daily prompts. You might consider them all, or maybe just one or two. You can use them as springboards for journalling, or you might like to ponder them and doodle or just think about these ideas as you go about your day. If you want to share your responses and thoughts in the group in the prompts thread that would be wonderful too.
1) What arises for you when you read the quote of the day or watch the song of the day video?
2) What do you feel about the difference between ego-based kindness and heart-focused kindness? (I will talk about this more in the presentation at 2.00pm).
3) What effect does it have on you when you learn about the way kindness can boost your happiness, wellbeing and mental health?
4) Throughout the Festival we will have a strong focus on the importance of self-kindness...as the starting point for kindness in the world...what does this mean for you personally?
And here's a reminder of the Festival prizes....!
All you need to do to have a chance of winning is join in.
I will draw the prize winners from the people who comment, connect and share the most...
because I figure you are the ones who will enjoy the books to the full.

Day Two - Making it Easier to Do
We will be looking at the importance of being kind to ourselves first as the starting point for making kindness a sustainable, grounded, tangible part of our lives that lifts us up, as well as others. We will have a strong emphasis through the day of anchoring ourselves in our heart and generating kindness from there. This can then radiate out of us, from an overflow of energy, ensuring we don't slide into 'kindness burnout'. In the presentation at 2.00pm I will do a guided mediation to take you into the place where kindness arises naturally and bathes you in nurturing love which you can then share.
The Curated content
The Quote of the Day
'She may not have arrived here quickly. But in every softening edge and compassionate word, every forgiving nod and encouraging push, in every gentle practice she gifted herself, she found the art of self-kindness'.
Rebecca Ray - The Art of Self-Kindness
Song of the day
As you listen to this song, drop into your heart, breathe as if in and out of your heart and listen to the words as if your heart is singing to you. Singing 'Don't ever be lonely, remember I'll always care. Wherever you may be, remember I will be there'. Let yourself be loved, by your heart - it sees the true you and loves you unconditionally.
Katie Melua - I Will Be There (Full Concert Version) - Official Video
Videos of the day
Kristen Neff talks about how self-kindness is a pivotal part of self-compassion giving an overview of the importance of it along with some practical suggestions for being kind to ourselves. 4 minutes 39 seconds
Kristen Neff - Self Compassion Part 2 self-kindness
Sarah Peyton is such a wise teacher of how to be kinder to ourselves - her gentle energy combined with her scientific knowledge of our brain's functioning is a powerful combination. 1 minute 39 seconds
The Science Of Kindness | Emergency toolkit for kindness
Book of the Day
This is one of those books that is a joy to hold in your hands. It's like an act of self kindness - just turning the pages because it is so beautiful. It is the kind of book to keep forever and dip into when you need a boost of self-kindness from its wise and nourishing words.
The Art of Self-kindness by Rebecca Ray
Organisation of the Day
This is the online home of Dr. Kristin Neff who teaches self-compassion. Her website has many resources that are free including research, meditations and practices.
Self Compassion.org
It is up to you if, and how, you use the daily prompts. You might consider them all, or maybe just one or two. You can use them as springboards for journalling, or you might like to ponder them and doodle or just think about these ideas as you go about your day. If you want to share your responses and thoughts in the group in the prompts thread that would be wonderful too.
1) What arises for you when you read the quote of the day or watch the song of the day video?
2) Your heart is the part of you that generates kindness. How does it feel to know that kindness to yourself and in the world can come from here, so that you are giving from fullness and an overflow of loving energy?
3) What role do you feel boundaries play in being kind to ourselves and in our world?
4) Today we are focusing on self-kindness as a foundation step. How important is this to you right now? What kind of difference would it make in your life to start with self-kindness in all you do?
Day Three - Acts of Kindness- For Ourselves and Others
What does this sentence mean to you...'enjoying being kindness...that turns into doing kindness...for yourself and your world?' That is something we are going to explore today as we dive into actions of kindness.
The Curated Content
The Quote of the Day
'Practicing kindness may sound like a simple proposition, but the implications of it are anything but.
Being kind to yourself is a gift of strength; it can give you purpose and a deep sense of joy about your life. Being kind to others is a gift of compassion; it can build the self-image and confidence of a fellow human being. Being kind to the world is a gift of hope and awareness; it involves cultivating an active social conscience. These new ways of interacting with yourself, other people and the world at large are, in essence, your gifts to the future'.
Angela C. Santomero - Radical Kindness
Song of the day
This is more than a song, it is a sacred chant - of loving-kindness. My suggestion for this is to listen to it as a way of amplifying the energy of loving-kindness in your heart...the starting point for kindness to yourself and others.
Imee Ooi - The Chant of metta ( Lyrics: Pali & Eng)
Videos of the day
Here's a short video that might give you some inspiration for acts of kindness for yourself.
Acts of Self Kindness
And this is some gently encouraging inspiration for acts of kindness in the world.
My 38 random acts of kindness: Botlhale Tshetlo at TEDxSoweto 2013
Book of the Day
I've chosen this book for two main reasons. One is that it talks about 'radical kindness' which the author describe as a way of being where we see ourselves, people and the world through the eyes of the heart and interact with that focus. The second reason is that the book has a wonderful balance between acts of self-kindness and acts of kindness in the world.
Radical Kindness by Angela C. Santomero
Organisation of the Day
Random Acts inspires many amazing things around the world every day — from small
acts of kindness, such as inspiring someone to buy a stranger a cup of coffee, to much bigger acts of kindness like building a school in San Juan del Sur, Nicaragua.
It is up to you if, and how, you use the daily prompts. You might consider them all, or maybe just one or two. You can use them as springboards for journalling, or you might like to ponder them and doodle or just think about these ideas as you go about your day. If you want to share your responses and thoughts in the group in the prompts thread that would be wonderful too.
1) What arises for you when you read the quote of the day or listen to the song of the day?
2) What act of kindness do you feel drawn to doing for yourself today?
3) Is there an act of kindness that you are inspired to do for someone else or the world generally?
4) How does it feel to you to - enjoying being kindness...that turns into doing kindness...for yourself and your world?

Day 4 - Sharing kindness
Kindness is something that grows as we share it. There is a ripple effect of love that seems to touch us when we see acts of kindness from others. However, sometimes we find it challenging to share the acts of kindness that we do for others. Today we will be exploring that, and looking at how we can make it easier to share without feeling uncomfortable or awkward.
The Curated Content
The Quote of the Day
'I knew that sharing stories about kindness could inspire others to see the world around them in a different way.
While there is nothing wrong with doing kind actions in private, without acknowledgement or attention,
it doesn't mean that's the only acceptable way to spread kindness. Imagine if no one ever spoke of
gifts give or received. How would we be inspired to do the same in other circumstance?'
Tamara Letter - 'A passion for Kindness'
Song of the day
I love the video that goes with this as much as the song, because it shows people from all around the world singing along and spreading kindness in thier own ways.
BEING KIND: The Music Video that Circle the World | Empty Hands Music | nimo
Videos of the day
I love this...! Jeremy Goldberg talks about the notes of care and love that he leaves in random places for people to find unexpectedly. It's inspirational and moving.
What if kindness was cool? | Jeremy Goldberg | TEDxTownsville
Here is the full version of the video that you might have seen part of from Orly Wahba's Ted Talk video that I posted on Monday. It shows how small acts create a ripple effect and often we don't know where the ripple started but we are all still part of the overall effect...!
Life Vest Inside - Kindness Boomerang - "One Day"
Book of the Day
This book really zooms in on 'sharing' kindness...about sharing our acts of kindness and the benefits of that. The author is a teacher and a lot of her inspiration and acts of kindness involve her pupils and other teachers. She also expands it out to others in the world generally too. I particularly love that she has what she calls 'Kindness Cultivator Spotlights' where she talks about individuals who are making a difference with their acts of kindness.
A Passion for Kindness - Tamara Letter
Organisation of the Day
SpreadKindness.org is a non-profit organization dedicated to encouraging and empowering people to practice kindness in their everyday lives. They provide individuals and groups with tools, ideas, projects and events that help make the world a kinder place.
Spread Kindness
It is up to you if, and how, you use the daily prompts. You might consider them all, or maybe just one or two. You can use them as springboards for journalling, or you might like to ponder them and doodle or just think about these ideas as you go about your day. If you want to share your responses and thoughts in the group in the prompts thread that would be wonderful too.
1) What arises for you when you read the quote of the day or listen to the song of the day?
2) How do you feel about sharing the acts of kindness that you do for others?
3) If this feels challenging, what do you feel would make it easier to do?
4) What has it been like to watch videos or read things about other people sharing their acts of kindness? Does this inspire you?
Day 5 - Celebrating Kindness
We have such a lot to celebrate....! This week we have looked at the power of kindness, how it elevates the way we feel, boosts our wellbeing, generates connection and community spirit. We have looked at how to make it easier to do, the value of sharing it...and more. It has been such a richly inspiring week and there is more to come with our celebration today...!
The Curated Content
The Quote of the Day
Kindness and a good heart are the foundation for success in this life,
progress on the spiritual path, and the fulfilment of our aspirations.
Our need for them is not limited to any specific time, place, society, or culture.
Dalai Lama
Song of the day
This being a festival and our day of celebration I've chosen two songs that have that festival, feel-good, celebration vibe.
Bruno Mars sings...'find out what we're made of, when we are called to help our friends in need'.
Bruno Mars - Count on Me
Ellie Goulding sings...'strike the match, play it loud, giving love to the world' and she sings about letting the fire burn...well you know of course, that I'm seeing that as the fire of love...!
Ellie Goulding - Burn (Official Video)
Videos of the day
I think you are just going to LOVE this...!
How To Change The World (a work in progress) | Kid President
This is inspirational, powerful and a blazingly open-hearted celebration of kindness and how it can change us and our world. This is the trailer for a series on Netflix which I'm in the middle of watching. It's had me dancing around the room with happiness and crying the tears that come from our heart breaking wider open. You might not have Netflix but I wanted to mention it anyway. It's worth getting it for a free months trial membership just for this...!
The Kindness Diaries Now Streaming on Netflix
Book of the Day
I'm continuing a theme with this book. It's the companion book to the series that I talk about above...'The Kindness Diaries'. It is a raw, intimate, deeply personal, uplifting and love-filled diary of one man's quest, as he says in the subtitle, 'to ignite goodwill and transform lives around the world.'
The Kindness Diaries by Leon Logothetis
Organisation of the Day
This organisation describes itself as 'a nonprofit with a bold hypothesis: Kindness is the catalyst in solving the world’s biggest challenges. We believe a kinder world is possible, and we’re here to make it happen.'
It is up to you if, and how, you use the daily prompts. You might consider them all, or maybe just one or two. You can use them as springboards for journalling, or you might like to ponder them and doodle or just think about these ideas as you go about your day. If you want to share your responses and thoughts in the group in the prompts thread that would be wonderful too.
1) What arises for you when you read the quote of the day or listen to the songs of the day?
2) What has touched you this week that you want to celebrate?
3) Is there anything that you are inspired to explore more or do from what you have experienced here?
4) How does it feel to recognise that you...by engaging with this material and this group...have expanded the kindness on the planet? You have been part of nurturing something, with our hearts, our conversations and our attention that collectively we are building together.
What an amazing week...!
Today's theme is Celebrating Kindness and I also want to celebrate the wonderful connection, contributions, sharing, and wise insights that you have brought to this festival...thank you.
I celebrate YOU and your Kindness...!