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You Are Invited to Join
The Heart Power Revolution
A Free Facebook Community Group
Do you want a space where you can explore the power of your heart with others who are also inspired to experience this?
I will share with you some powerful heart activating tools
that I have created exclusively for this group.
Click here if you want to join us.
We all have an amazing power within us. For many of us, this power is still largely latent, untapped and hidden in plain sight. Now is the time to learn how to access it, use it and so transform our lives…the world around us…and the planet.
It is the power of our hearts.

This inner power changes struggle and separation into flow and connection.
It gives us access to the most potent healing energy on the planet. It provides us with reliable guidance that carries us forward out of confusion towards our true purpose.
It supplies us with whatever we need to shift out of overwhelm and fear-based
resistance so we can follow our dreams…bring us qualities such as courage,
passion, enthusiasm, understanding and joy for example.
These are just a few of the gifts of living from our hearts…but we need to learn how to do it. We need support to stay in our hearts when challenges in our personal lives and the world generally pull us out of our heart and back into fear, judgement, numbness or hopelessness.
I created The Heart Power Revolution Group to help with all this.
It is a welcoming, safe place where we learn, share, support each other and grow together as we explore how to be led by our heart’s love, wisdom, peace and authenticity.
I have spent the last 15 years diving deeply into discovering what it truly means to live from the heart, how we actually do that and what benefits it will bring to our lives.
I am excited and deeply happy to be sharing all that with you here.
Click the Image Below to Join The Heart Power Revolution

In The Heart Power Revolution community, there are regular theme days created to inspire warm connection and glowing heart energy. Here are some of them…
We also have regular times in the month where we use
The Heart Wisdom Guidance Cards.
This is your day to tell us what you need and feel the loving energy of the group supporting you.

We have a day especially for sharing what is making our heart sing.
On this day we send our heart energy out in waves to where the world
is calling for it.

Every fortnight we have a day
to shine your brightness in the community and let us share
it with you.
The cards are a potent gateway to our heart power, which we use to tune in to its insight, inspiration and support then share that together in the group. The cards are
available to you as a free gift on this page…
In addition to the special theme day, I also
offer regular live readings in the group – to enable you to get the most from your
personal use of the cards.

I am so happy to be sharing the cards with you…! They weave a special kind of magic as they
open you up to the wise, loving potential within you. The deck of 33 cards poured out of me…through my own heart when I had a burning desire to create a direct and accessible way
to share the transformative peaceful power inside us all.
The cards will help you experience the power of your heart as you
have conversations with it like you would a friend.
We use them in The Heart Power Revolution Facebook Group often. There is a regular invitation
to share your card reading in the group, in a safe and confidential thread where we
can discuss how our readings illuminate answers to our questions and take us
more deeply to the wisdom that is innately available to us.
I also offer live readings in the group, where you can have a card drawn for you
and we will dive deeply into how to bring its message alive in the most potent ways.
These sessions are powerful, transformative and deeply loving.
The cards highlight the main attributes of your heart power…and then they show you
how to switch those on and use them. Depending on what you need at any particular time
you might draw a card from any one of the four main Chambers of your Heart – Healing, Empowerment, Enrichment or Inspiration. Or you might draw to you The Source Card – ‘Love’
…the source from which everything else arises.

Here are some examples from
the deck of 33 Heart Wisdom Guidance Cards.

Make the most of your membership of
The Heart Power Revolution Group...
Get the Heart Wisdom Guidance Cards
Access the full deck of 33 cards on a private Readings Page where you can return at any time for a personal reading.
I will also add you to my mailing list for the
Heartful Living Newsletter, informative emails
and other updates.
Your email details will be treated with care and respect.
I abide by the GDPR regulations to protect your privacy.
Read the Heartful Living Privacy Policy here.
I feel inspired by what we can co-create in
The Heart Power Revolution and I am excited to share with you the other theme days, heart activating tools, supportive content and connection as we grow in our heart power together.
If you are inspired to be part of
The Heart Power Revolution Community…
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